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The primary function of the office is to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public. This office is designed to provide Wilkesboro’s business, industries, churches and the public with basic information about fire prevention, education, and fire code prevention. The staff conducts fire inspections on all commercial and some residential occupancies. Also, the staff issues required permits and conduct plans review for new construction.
Wilkesboro Fire Inspector’s office is a division of Town of Wilkesboro Fire Department. All Inspectors are certified through:
A Town of Wilkesboro Fire Inspector will respond to any complaint made to our office. Most inspections of occupancies will be provided on the following schedule:
Frequency Type
Once every 6 mo Schools-Public & Private
Once every year Hazardous Industrial High Rise Assembly
Once every 2 yrs Educational
Once every 3 yrs Business - Mercantile Storage Churches Synagogues
Frequency rates for inspections of occupancies as mandated by the NC General Statutes superseded this schedule. however, it is the discretion of the Fire Inspector to inspect more frequently as needed.
If you are ready to schedule your fire inspection, please select the appropriate permit below. Complete your form and email to Lead Fire Inspector.
A pre-inspection checklist is also available listed below.
If you have questions or concerns, please email the Fire Inspector.